Some Special Boards of Olive Now in Stock

boards of olive

We’re often the first to make a fuss about the huge boards we have in the slab gallery, it’s fair to say we’ve got some enormous bits of wood in there.

But as the Elephant said to his mistress the mouse, “size isn’t everything”.

These little boards of olive aren’t big, but boy do they pack a punch. Sumptuous, dense timber full of character, they have enough personality to make up for their diminutive stature. As timber goes, you don’t get much better than olive for rustic charm.

That’s mostly due to age. Olive trees are fantastically long lived, some notable examples were even around when togas and sandals were all the rage! Our boards aren’t as old as all that, but they’ve certainly seen some powdered wigs in their time – perhaps even a ruff or two!

Time tends to do funny things to trees. As a general rule, the older a tree gets the wilder it will be. Storms, strange weather, damage by livestock and humans, all of these events cause wood to grow in funny ways. The longer a tree is standing, the greater the chance that one or all of these is going to happen. This means that long-lived trees (like olive) came from tend to have fantastic looking timber, replete with the sort of character you would expect to come from centuries, perhaps even millennia of experiences.

The longevity of olive trees is partly a consequence of their fantastically dense wood, nearly half as much again as European oak. This makes olive a great choice for decorative but high wear objects like knife scales, serving platters and sideboards.

What could you make with these boards of olive? It’s safe to say whatever you have in mind you can’t go far wrong with timber as beautiful as this.

Blog | 4 years AGO